L2Java Regions > Monastery of Silence


This is the main area where you will encounter truly strong monsters, and accordingly, their drops will be some of the best!
Newbie protection is in effect in the first few rooms, but it will no longer be there as you go further, so you will have to fight not only monsters, but also other players who are also hunting everything and defending their territory!

Monastery of Silence most important monsters and ~ drops

Silent Seeker
Silent Seeker

    JAVA ADENA (1-3) ~75%
    Mid-Grade Life Stone 76lvl (1-3) ~20%

Solina Brother
Solina Brother

    JAVA ADENA (1-3) ~75%
    Mid-Grade Life Stone 76lvl (1-2) ~20%

Solina Lay Brother
Solina Lay Brother

    JAVA ADENA (2-4) ~50%
    Mid-Grade Life Stone 76lvl (1-3) ~25%
    Bronze Coins (1) ~3%

Monestary Guardian
Monastery Guardian

    JAVA ADENA (1-2) ~25%

Monastic Pilgrim
Monastic Pilgrim

    JAVA ADENA (1-3) ~60%
    Mid-Grade Life Stone 76lvl (1-3) ~35%
    High-Grade Life Stone 76lvl (1-1) ~25%
    Silver Coins (1-2) ~30%

Monastic Crusader
Monastic Crusader

    JAVA ADENA (3-7) ~45%
    Mid-Grade Life Stone 76lvl (1-3) ~50%
    High-Grade Life Stone 76lvl (1-2) ~35%
    Top-Grade Life Stone 76lvl (1-2) ~20%
    Bronze Coins (1-2) ~3%
    Silver Coins (1-5) ~70%